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  • We are all Dying, So let’s start Living.

    Death is a great leveller. It is no respecter of person, position, race, gender or any other human construct. Death just is. I remember growing up I was surrounded by death before I even knew what it .

  • I Will Be Your Witness.

    “There’s a billion people on the planet, what does any one life really mean?” Susan Sarandon – Shall We Dance? I haven’t written for a while and yes, that’s how the.

  • A War That Has No Winner.

    I’ve been challenged to start writing again. Apparently, I am good at it and should explore it more. Tell me something that I don’t know! Seriously though, I really apologise for not being.


“Forever on the move, forever setting trends, forever doing that which they say cannot be done” – this might be an accurate description, or it might be something that I cut and paste from an online guru. Either way, welcome to my website. Stick around. I might be worth it.